Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ta Da - 9 months

As Tim would say --- -"Ta Da." And we're back. Well we will see. At least the computer is fixed so now we can try to be back and Timothy can show off Elphie! Here she is 9 months small! She continues to be a little peanut. At her 9 month appointment she got the seal of approval and yet another nod that while she continues to grow - she's just "petite."

And the stats say it all ---
Weight - 16 lbs 3 oz - 5-10%
Length - 26 1/8 inch - 5-10%
Head - 16 5/8 inch - 5-10%

She's been crawling around for a month or so now and pulling up everywhere.  Just a few days after her 9 month bday she started to walk with her walker. She has 2 sharp bottom teeth that broke through right around 8.5 months and she wakes up anywhere from 1 to 3 times a night.  She's a very very happy girl and quite easy going.  Especially compared to Timothy who's in his terrible 2s full force.  And, of course -- we couldn't love her any more.  Can't wait to watch her continue to grow and learn.

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